The information below is provided for compliance of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 to explain how we collect, store and handle your personal data.  Since this site is hosted on, please also be aware of their privacy notice.

Revised 2 April 2021

How we collect your data

The data we hold about you is that which you have entered yourself: when you submit your email address, contact us, leave a comment and so on. The IP address you use to access the site is recorded in web server logs, as it is on virtually every website, but is not used for any purpose.

Why we collect your data

We only collect data you provide, i.e. to allow you to contact us and us to reply to you or to provide you with the opportunity to respond to articles by leaving a comment.

What we use your data for

The personal data you provide is used to communicate with you, whether that is to update you with the latest blog contents or respond to your comments or questions.

When we’ll share your data

Other than with Automattic (the owners of, we do not share your data with any other company or person.  Your email address and other personally identifiable information is not shared.

Viewing your data

Please review Automattic privacy policy to view the data you have submitted.

Your right to be forgotten

If you wish to delete your data, please contact us and Automattic

Cookies, targeted advertising and analytics and Jetpack provide standard cookies to create anonymized website analytics (see Automattic’s cookie policy for more details and how to block them) and advertising (see advertising terms of service)

Want to contact us?

If you have any concerns about any of this please contact us.